Another response from David, of which he said to me at the AGM: I believe he is right.
I want to make my position clear for everyone here. I did not support Kenney, I do not “support” Danielle and I do not think that politicians should be worshiped as the answer to our problems. I believe it is the grassroots job to hold leaders to their promises and to remove them if they do not keep those promises.
If Danielle keeps her promises, she has nothing to fear from me. If she does not, I will relentlessly point this out and call it out. That is what I have done for the last three years and it is what I will continue to do. Many of you have come to love Danielle, you see me attacking her lack of follow through as an attack on you. In essence you have attached part of your personal identity to a politician. I would ask that you refrain from doing this. I did it for many years over many different politicians. It only leads to heartache.
Instead, I would request that you become citizens who hold your politicians to account like you would an employee. That you make sure they keep their promises and when they do not that you remove them from office and elect someone who better represents you. That is the purpose of democracy, that is what I have been trying to teach you over all these years.
My message has never changed. When people attacked me for “supporting Danielle” and said that I was just shilling for her, I told them the same thing I am saying now, no leader is coming to save you. No individual can fix the problems our society is facing. It will take decades to repair the damage our apathy has caused to this province and country. No leader will survive for decades, but all of you must. You can not give up no matter what happens to an individual leader. We must become better citizens.
Hi Lions, which ONE would you pick? What would you add to the list.
Post-Leadership Review Priorities
From this list I would have picked abolishing equalization.
I would have added a revision of the Alberta Bill of Rights to eliminate the language that provides government with exceptions.
I would have added Dr. Makis’s wish list as a single item:
1. Dissolve the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Alberta. Dissolve the College of Registered Nurses of Alberta
2. Fire the "NDP Millionaires Club" that currently runs Alberta Health Services, the AHS Executive and its 12 Vice Presidents and the 3132 AHS Managers (all of whom vote NDP)
3. Release the Gary Davidson Report on COVID-19 Pandemic Abuses and implement recommendations to ensure these abuses never happen again.
4. Reinstate 1000s of Alberta's doctors, nurses and healthcare workers whose medical careers were illegally sabotaged by AHS and the Colleges during the ...
We need a federal election... NOW!