The Lions
Politics • Education • Culture
A group of friends with mostly centrist or conservative viewpoints who share resources and ideas about the governance of Alberta and Canada and about world events and trends.
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23 hours ago

DO NOT BE FOOLED: Crime Minister Justin Trudeau Has Not Resigned!
Lying Narcissistic Scumbags Don't Just Step Down, They Regroup...

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Danielle Smith slams Trudeau’s “selfish” move as premiers react to resignation

Pfizer's secret documents reveal that their COVID vaccine actually made you 8.7% more likely to get COVID

Buried in the documents that Pfizer wanted hidden from public view for 75 years there was a table that revealed that their vaccine actually had negative efficacy.
(I think we observed that in comparing vaxxed and unvaxxed friends. How many unvaxxed got the bug more than once?)

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