The Lions
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A group of friends with mostly centrist or conservative viewpoints who share resources and ideas about the governance of Alberta and Canada and about world events and trends.
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7 hours ago

Doesn't even live in Canada.

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Today is one of those days that has you pondering what has become of what you used to think was normal. Ella Grace introduced her Dad and blubbering JT appears and I leave the video. He raises my already high blood pressure. I know who has won the race but one can have hope. Then there is the waste of time Brier that I used to enjoy but as with everything they have to change how it is run and played to appease a few. They have absolutely ruined it and the Scotties IMHO. Why do they insist on fixing what isn't broken. Needless to say don't care who wins and won't be watching.

10 hours ago

C Woody

Now for the first order of business tomorrow as leader and defacto PM Carney will ask Trudeau to stay on as his “transition advisor” for as long as it takes… and bingo we have Trudeau as the parliamentary mouthpiece for the unelected un-seated PM Carney. Justin has vast experience as a mouthpiece as he’s done the job already for ten years! He’s always been just the frontman for the Carney WEF string pullers, so nothing really changes. JT isn’t going anywhere. Second order of business will probably be to declare an economic emergency and bring in another EA measures theatrical production in order to cancel any upcoming election, thus securing the unelected PMs dictatorship indefinitely or until Canada is completely destroyed economically or we are invaded by the states or China. The playbook is far too predictable. The fate of Canada is now firmly in the grasp of an unelected leader and the nefarious NGO in Switzerland who are driven to make us the first net zero bug ...

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