The demolition of Edmonton's Coliseum, which has been closed since 2017, will not begin for at least two more years due to the extensive planning and hazardous material removal required. The City has allocated $35 million for demolition, in addition to the $9 million spent on maintaining the building. The Coliseum, once home to the Edmonton Oilers, will be replaced by a mixed-use urban village as part of long-term plans for the area. The new development is expected to take 25-30 years to complete.
Wow! This guy is even dumber than we thought. He's daring Trump when anyone with brains would just shut up. Or is he planning to use this as a way to get Canadians divided again? After all he is not gone and is this his excuse to hang on longer?
Brad Wall
Your Mom likely told you what mine told me - if you can’t say something nice ..don’t say anything at all. So maybe that’s why it has taken me a day to offer a few thoughts on Trudeau’s resignation announcement yesterday. I miss my Mom everyday but I’m not sure I will be able to follow her advice for this post. (On the other hand..remembering some of her comments during the Trudeau years - she might be fine with this!)
I truly believe that those who put their name forward for public office, no matter how much I might disagree with them personally and politically should be thanked for their willingness to wade into the increasingly toxic waters of politics.
But the undeniable truth is that Canada would be better off today had he decided not to follow in his father’s footsteps.
His Prime Ministership was manifestly the most divisive and economically damaging of any in our history…including the record of the elder Trudeau ..who generationally knee-capped the economy of western Canada with the National ...